About Us

Jmail.cc is a service brought to you by Corr Comms, LLC. Corr Comms is the world's premiere prisoner pen pal service providers. In an attempt to help friends and family keep in touch with their incarcerated loved ones Corr Comms has created this site. Jmail.cc is a low cost alternative for people to send messages from the privacy of their own home. Send letters, share photos, and never have to worry about envelopes, stamps, or taking your digital photo to the store to be printed. We take care of all of this for you. Our newest service, called "Jmail Box" allows you to use our address as your own. We receive your letters on your behalf, scan them and upload them to your account. This is great for people located outside the USA or for those who simply don't want to give out their home address to an inmate. We hope you find our services valuable and we look forward to meeting your mailing needs.

Jmail.cc is owned and operated by Corr Comms, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company.

To contact us by mail please write to:

13027 Victory Blvd
North Hollywood CA 91606